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Body Parts

We've well and truly started our new topic; Me and My Place. 

The aim of the lesson was for the children to label body parts, write their own label and add to the outline of Miss Perry. My expectation was to be fairly basic, legs, arms, eyes, belly....We sat together and thought about all the body parts we knew as I wrote them on the board and gave a little explanation of what each body party did. Well the children completely exceeded my expectations (and tested my biology knowledge!). They were talking about kidneys, veins, kneecaps, the liver; they really knew lots of key vocabulary! 

We also had a bit of a conversation about the soul, the children were keen to discuss this as part of their body. I explained that it was a part of us that you couldn't see or touch or even were sure existed and that some people believed in it and some people didn't. It was then likened to a ghost by a couple of the children - class discussions never follow the path I expect! So if anyone comes home talking about ghosts and the soul then this is why!