15/07/2020: Home Learning
Good morning, Team Amin!
I hope you are having a great week so far, even if the weather has been a little overcast! Keep smiling!
Learning for today:
5 minute starter: Using the letters of your full name (first name, middle names if you have any, and surname), how many words can you make which are more than 4 letters long? Have a go! I made 17 with mine in five minutes!
PE: Find a safe space (Garden? Living room?) and do 12 jumping jacks, 13 star jumps and 14 bunny hops! Viking Games has finished, but keep an eye out for the final video!
M: Start with a speedy recap of your 7x on Rockstars, Hit the Button, chanting etc. You might like to play Bingo!
We are going to do an arithmetic paper today! Show your calculations where possible and don’t forget to look at your signs very carefully! This will be the final arithmetic paper for this year!
E: Listen to the next chapters of Varjak Paw if you haven’t caught up already. I have added some AND we have finished the text!
Art/Transition activity: I know you will have certainly done something similar in previous years but I love this transition activity and I know when I have done it, I find it very calming and useful for reflecting on the past year, so we are going to do one this year too!
Using any arts/crafts materials that you have at home, I would like you to create your own transition jar! Use glitter, lots of colour, coloured sand, stickers, stamps, felt shapes etc. - you might even find an old jar that you can decorate and put things into too – build your jar into what you envision it to be!
Once you have completed this (whether flat or 3D), I would like you to cut up little strips of paper and write down all of the things that you want to take with you into Year 5! All of the good things, of course! That might mean close/good friends, your pen license, your 9x tables, being more confident with speaking aloud in front of others and much more!
At the same time, I want you to write down all of the things you don’t want to take with you – like any yellow/red cards you picked up in the year, that disagreement in the playground that you had with a friend etc.
For all the wonderful things you are taking up to Year 5 with you, leave the strips uncrumpled and either pop them in the jar or stick them down flat. For the things you would like to LEAVE BEHIND, scrunch them up (and pop into or stick onto the jar at the bottom)! Don’t forget to send pictures if you do create your own jar!
Topic: If you have planned the experiment, today is conducting day BUT make sure you conduct your experiment alongside an adult. This is incredibly important because you need to stay SAFE when working with hot materials.
Extra activities:
R: Access the class reader Powerpoint if you haven’t already and listen along and/or read a chapter of a book of your choice. I have added chapters for you recently.
Spelling: Practise this week’s new spelling in time to test yourself for the last time this Friday!
Have a fantastic Wednesday. Happy learning! Don’t forget to send me emails/pictures!
Miss Amin x