Home Learning, Thursday 25th June
Phew, what a scorcher! I hope you had a wonderful Wednesday, Hee is your home learning for today.
PE: Level 2 video game workout! Make sure you drink lots of water Team!
Mental Maths: Guardians, Defenders of Mathmatica Times Tables Trials
Maths: IALT convert between units of length
Maths Challenge: IALT convert between standard units of length
As usual, take the quiz, watch the lesson, complete the activity and take the finishing quiz to test your knowledge.
English: Let's start with a space crossword which I have attached below.
As we did a lot of writing yesterday, let's find out about Mars in the form of a reading comprehension. As usual it has three levels of challenge, from 1 star to 3.
Topic: Get crafty! Choose one of the craft activities I have attached below. Follow the instructions and post the results on Padlet if you can.
- Cardboard tube rocket
- Hand and foot alien prints
- Paper plate flying saucer
- Space themed printing picture
- Spaceship porthole
Have fun :)