Weekly Home learning Challenges 29th June-3rd July
It's a new week and the sun is shining :)
Good morning!
We hope you all had a lovely weekend in the sunshine. What did you get up to? Did you go anywhere? We have been doing up the outside garden. If you have any plants/flowers/cuttings that you do not need then we would love your donations. It would be a lovely way to remember you all.
Remember these weekly challenges are for you to pick and choose what you feel able to do at home. There is no expectation that you must complete all the challenges. We would love to see some more of your home learning work and of course anything else you may be getting up to at home. If you get stuck with any of the challenges or are unsure of any of the work set please do not hesitate to contact us.
Happy home learning! :)
Reminder of the home learning folder:
We have created lots of resources in the EYFS home learning folder located at the top of the blog (password:Viking). We have created a Term 6 folder for RWI, Maths and Topic. We have put lots of printable resources, power points and lots of other learning ideas that support the tasks below. For example, topic this week may say please see the under the sea powerpoint. This means that we do not need to add the individual links to the bottom of this post as it would be too much but we have added tonnes of things to support your learning. If you have trouble accessing this then please message us.
Maths Weekly Challenges:
Shape challenge
Counting/ shape songs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guNdJ5MtX1A 3Dshape song
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTeqUejf3D0 2D shape song
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfRuLS-Vnjs Shape song
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEbRDtCAFdU Shape song
Weekly challenges:
3D shape warm up and revision ppt
Use recycled 3D materials to make a beach themed model – beach hut, ice cream, sandcastle...
Can you spot any 3D shapes on a walk? Or from looking outside your house/in the garden.
3D shape colouring sheet
Real life 3D shape activity
Links: 3D shape colouring, 3D shape warm up and revision ppt, 3D shape activity
Games: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/ordering-and-sequencing/shape-patterns Shape pattern game
https://www.topmarks.co.uk/early-years/shape-monsters shape monster game
https://www.mathlearningcenter.org/resources/apps/geoboard shape geoboard
Weekly topic challenges:
Beach safety
Beach safety ppt – can you tell your grown up how you can keep safe on the beach
Can you remember what the different flags on the beach mean? Can you design your own beach safety flag?
Beach safety poster – can you make a bright and colourful poster to help inform others of how we can keep safe on the beach
Sun, sea and beach safety cut out sheet – thinking about what we need to wear to keep safe at the beach
Links: Beach safety ppt, Sun,sea and beach safety sheet, Beach safety flags poster
NEW Love to learn Week 1: Beach Art- Can you go down to the beach and collect stones, sand, shells, seaweed etc. What did you find? Can you clean these and let them dry out and take them home? When they’re clean can you make a piece of art with them? It may be a beach scene picture or anything of your choice. Or if you do not want to bring the objects home then you may want to create the art on the beach.
RWI weekly challenges:
Daily RWI lessons available at 9:30am daily for 24 hours on the RWI YouTube channel with Rosie. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ
Monday 29th June Miss Taft: Set 1 - v Miss Spurrier: Set 2 - air Miss Merry and Mrs Barnes: Set 3 – o - e Reading longer words – ir/ ur/ er
Tuesday 30th June Miss Taft: Set 1 - y Miss Spurrier: Set 2 - ir Miss Merry and Mrs Barnes: Set 3 – u - e Reading longer words – ou/ ow
Wednesday 1st July Miss Taft: Set 1 - w Miss Spurrier: Set 2 – ou Miss Merry and Mrs Barnes: Set 3 – aw Reading longer words - ire
Thursday 2nd July Miss Taft: Set 1 - z Miss Spurrier: Set 2 - oy Miss Merry and Mrs Barnes: Set 3 – are Reading longer words - ear 5
Friday 3rd July Miss Taft: Set 1 - x Miss Taft and Miss Spurrier: Set 2 – ay Miss Merry and Mrs Barnes: Set 3 – ur Reading longer words – ee/ea (restarts)
There are also green word and red word videos daily too.
From the 15th June there will be hold a sentence videos too.
Please practice the handwriting of the sound with finger spaces, three spellings of your choice with the sound in and record a sentence of your choice (keep it simple 4-5 words with a red word and the sound of the day included e.g. If my sound was ay, my sentence may be: Please can I play with you?). We have included some handwriting sheets below which match the sounds being taught each day. Some of them also have some green words to read too. If you need any extra support with sentences or green words then please email us.
Miss Spurrier has recorded herself going through the RWI set 1, 2 and 3 sounds. She is trying to rival Rosie on YouTube. There is no password.
RWI challenge: Can you record a short video joining in with the sounds and post it on the padlet?
Enjoy and let us know what you think :)
https://vimeo.com/414752875 RWI Set 1 sounds
https://vimeo.com/414764363 RWI Set 2 sounds
https://vimeo.com/414761386 RWI Set 3 sounds
Do you get a bit stuck on those tricky red words? Well look no further, Miss Spurrier has recorded herself going through the typical red words we cover in reception. Check out the video and see how many red words you know!
https://vimeo.com/417611100 Level 1
https://vimeo.com/417629553 Level 2
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvMyssfAUx0 Red word song
We have created a RWI folder in the EYFS area (password Viking) on the blog which has alien words, green words, all of the sounds, handwriting sheets, guidance, reading power points and so much more.
Fizzy challenges:
Beads/ pasta/ cheerios onto spaghetti.
Pattern/ picture making with loose parts/ sand/ shells/ stones etc. Can you dig and sort into piles?
Whisking a bowl of soapy water (can even add food dye).
Stacking plastic/paper cups
Make salt dough and then make a model out of it and leave to dry. Can paint or decorate after?
Disco dough ‘I like to’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOLR3pQt8zg
PE challenge:
Team RAPS,
The pictures and videos that you are sending in are fabulous, thank you.
This week we continue to challenge you in Olympic events!
You will be an Olympian! Choose your country and participate in the event using your imagination! I cannot wait for these pictures and videos.
The Olympic Challenges this week are:
Have a look at the links to give you some ideas!
Good luck!
Please continue to send them to jenny.horrigan@ramsgateartsprimaryschool.co.uk
Mrs Horrigan
Books for Change
Parents and staff from Chilton Primary School and Ramsgate Arts Primary School have been inspired by Folkestone Books for Change fundraising campaign.
We want to empower every child in our town to know that they can make a difference in the world and this journey starts through reading exciting books.
We need our school libraries to stock a diverse and inclusive range of fiction and non-fiction, picture and fact books that include diverse characters of colour, children with disability, strong female protagonists and everyone that dares to be different.
Children need to see themselves and others reflected in the books around them. This will help them to relate to and be inspired by role models from all communities and backgrounds.
If you would like to contact us or to offer your support, you can do this through Facebook or via email ramsgatebooksforchange@gmail.com
We believe in the power of our children and these books have the power to bring change into the classroom and into the world.
Please donate what you can. Thank you for your donation no matter how big or small.
Have a FANTASTIC week Team Barnes and please email me or post on our class padlet anything you get up to!
We hope you and your families are well, missing you lots! We are also looking forward to welcomming even more of you back to school this week too.
Mrs Barnes, Miss Taft and Mrs Piltcher