Home Learning
Friday 5th June 2020
Hi Team R-B,
It's finally Friday! Hope you have all had a brilliant week! Don't forget to continue to email me or post on the Padlet anything you have been up to it always brightens my day seeing what you've all been up to!
PE: Today it’s a Yoga Day. Which Cosmic Kids story are you going to choose today?
Maths: Today we are going to ESTIMATE. Have a go at the estimating sheets below.
English: This week we are going to write our own moral. Today I would like you to plan your moral here are some questions I would like you to answer.
- What is the title of your moral?
- What is the lesson of your story?
- What are your 2 main character’s names?
- Describe character 1’s personality …
- Describe character 2’s personality …
- Where is it set?
- What’s going to happen at the beginning?
- What’s going to happen in the middle?
- What’s going to happen at the end?
- What do your characters learn from this experience?
Spelling: Today is a spelling test day!
1. buzzed
2. chipped
3. dropped
4. hugged
5. flipped
6. painted
7. jumped
8. skipped
9. spotted
10. tapped
RE: Today we are going to find out why Sikhs believe people should share. Read the presentation below then create a comic strip showing a time no one was sharing with you, what was shared with you and how you felt.
Helping at Home: Can you help today by helping your adults make breakfast, lunch or dinner?
Happy Friday!
Love Miss R-B, Mrs Fetherston, Mr Brown and Charlie Fudge xxx