01/06/2020: Home Learning
It is the first day of Term 6! Good morning!
Good morning, Team Amin! We continue to find ourselves in this odd time, not together in our classroom, but I am here, as always, to set your home learning. I hope you have all had a wonderful Half Term and are happy, healthy and safe. We have lots of fun learning and recapping this week and this term, including a new core text to enjoy! Have a great day!
Learning for today:
PE: Find a safe space (Garden? Living room?) and do 10 jumping jacks, 10 squats and 10 bunny hops.
M: Start with a speedy recap of your 3x and 4x. You can do this with a dice game if you have dice, bingo, Hit the Button etc.?
Today, we are going to order and compare numbers up to and beyond 1000.
Ordering and comparing is easy, as long as you look at the place value of each of your digits: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOkM9Ox7QSE
For comparing, remember your signs (< > =). Find your worksheet attached below.
E: Listen to the introduction and chapter 1 of our new core text, Varjak Paw, which can be found online in the Reading section! We are just going to do a little task today so as you listen, I want you to keep these questions in mind and write down your answers using full sentences. Some of the questions will require you to use Google to find an answer or a dictionary!
a) What is Mesopotamia?
b) What is a Contessa?
c) What does ‘musty’ mean?
d) What is a ‘litter’? (Hint: there is more than one meaning!)
e) What does ‘pedigree’ mean?
f) Why do you think Varjak bristled?
g) Why do you think Varjak and his family are called Mesopotamian Blues?
h) Give three words, based on your own opinion of him so far, to describe Julius.
i) Who do you think the mysterious man is?
j) What do you think will happen next?
RWInc: We have a new book for the week! Please find the relevant spellings and story text attached below for How to make a Peach Treat with today’s learning task. Don't forget to send your work to Mrs Fox or I.
Topic: Journal entry day. What has happened over the past few week? What did you do over the Half Term? How are you feeling? Are you excited about our new core text?? What are you most looking forward this term? Have you helped out at home?
Extra activities:
R: Access one of the class reader Powerpoints if you haven’t already and listen along and/or read a chapter of a book of your choice.
Spelling: Practise this week’s spelling in time to test yourself this Friday! This will be the last set of spelling from last term.
Help around the house?: Ask your adult if there is anything you can do to make their day better!
Have a great Monday. Happy learning! Don’t forget to send me emails/pictures!
Miss Amin x