Thursday 14th May 2020

Hello Team Aitken, how are you today? Drop me a message, i'd love to hear from you. Don't forget this blog is a guide. Whatever learning you're doing at home is valuable
t’s Thursday! Time to think outside the box....what could it be? See attachment TOTB.
Rapid recap – True or False
“A quadrilateral has 5 sides”
“The sides of a rectangle are all the same length”
“A circle has no sides or corners”
Yesterday we remembered our learning on 2D shapes and I hope you enjoyed making an artwork from 2D shapes!
Today we are going to recap our learning about 3D shapes.
What is a 3D shape? Why are they called “3D”?
Look at 3D shapes.ppt – how many shapes can you remember the names of? Can you learn some new ones? What properties do they have – tell your grown up - how many edges, how many vertices, how many faces?
**Remember we use different words to describe the properties of 3D shapes!**
Can you spot any 3D shapes in your home? How many can you find?
Today I’d like you think about the 3D shapes you have at home (or outside!) and get creative! We are going to make a 3D model using 3D shapes! Have a look at the sheet 3D shape models for some ideas for using everyday materials and junk modelling you have at home.
Alternatively, you could try making your own 3D shapes out of the 3D shape nets - see 3D shape nets attached.
Feeling like another challenge? Test yourself with the 3D shape quiz!
English and Read Write Inc. (Just do your groups work. If you normally do RWI you can do the English task as an additional challenge after Speed Sounds)
Mrs Smart’s Group
I hope you enjoyed having a go at making a habitat this week! From what I have seen, you have learnt a lot about keeping pets!
Today we are going to learn about writing instructions so that you can pass on your expertise and write instructions for someone who wants to create a habitat for a pet!
So today we are going to look at the features of instructions.
Have a look at the Instructions powerpoint. Note the features of instructions. These are another non-fiction text and we use them in things like recipes or game rules. They have specific features:
Things you need
Time words
Bossy verbs
Today have a think and discuss with your grown up what instructions you would write for making your habitat, ready to write them tomorrow!
Read Write Inc
Read Write Inc and Ruth Miskin Training are providing daily videos. Follow them on YouTube or look below.
PLEASE NOTE that these specific daily YouTube videos only last 24 hours. If you miss one, just look below to catch up. We will continue to post the daily sounds, spellings and sentences. Visit
Miss Aitken’s group (Set 3) - 10.30am
Focus Speed sound is:
‘ai’ as in “Snail in the rain”
Follow the spellings on YouTube (link above, see timings) or complete the ones below:
Spellings (don’t forget your dots and dashes):
1) brain 2) snail 3) daisy
Write these sentences using the focus sounds
1) Your brain is inside your skull.
2) Humans do not have tails.
Mrs Fetherston’s group (set 3) - 10.30am
Focus Speed sound is:
‘ai’ as in “Snail in the rain”
Follow the spellings on YouTube (link above, see timings) or complete the ones below:
Spellings (don’t forget your dots and dashes):
1) brain 2) snail 3) daisy
Write these sentences using the focus sounds
1) Your brain is inside your skull.
2) Humans do not have tails or wings.
Mrs Smith’s group (set 3) 10.30am
Focus Speed sound is:
‘ai’ as in “Snail in the rain”
Follow the spellings on YouTube (link above, see timings) or complete the ones below:
Spellings (don’t forget your dots and dashes):
1) brain 2) snail 3) daisy
Write these sentences using the focus sounds
1) Your brain is inside your skull and is an organ.
2) Humans do not have tails or wings.
Miss Tranham’s group (set 2) – 10am
Focus Speed sound is:
‘ow’ as in “Blow the snow”
Follow the spellings on YouTube (link above, see timings) or complete the ones below:
Spellings (don’t forget your dots and dashes):
1) rainbow 2) slow 3) window
Write these sentences using the focus sounds
1) A snail is slow.
2) Put a rainbow in the window.
Helpful links for parents and carers
And don't forget Miss Spurriers Speed sounds for extra practice (accessible at any time as an option)
RWI Set 1 sounds
RWI Set 2 sounds
RWI Set 3 sounds
The learning intention for today is I know the five senses and their related body parts. Try to remember back to term 1 when we looked at the body and the senses before.
Our five senses are sight (eyes), hearing (ears), touch (skin), taste (tongue), smell (nose). Senses are part of our bodily functions just like breathing, thinking and going to the toilet!
The word ‘sense’ comes from the Latin word ‘sensus’ which means ‘feeling or thought’.
Without our senses, life would be very difficult. Some people do live without the use of one or more senses such as sight or hearing. However, there are plenty of people who live happy, fulfilled and successful lives despite this. Perhaps you and your adults can think of people that you know of that have impaired senses (you might know of some family members, friends, musicians, athletes etc).
I would like you to create a Potato Head Person that represents all the senses. If you are feeling creative, you can use real things such as a real potato to make it. Use something that you like to smell as the nose (chocolate), something you like the taste of as the tongue (strawberry?), something that you like to see as the eyes (flowers?) etc. You could cut pictures out from magazines; use the templates I have attached or make a real model. Please label each sense, the corresponding body part and what it’s function is. Have fun!