Physical Education
What is physical education?
Physical education, often called ‘PE’, is the subject which teaches pupils all about physical fitness and how to engage in sports and physical activity.
Why is PE so important?
Physical education is an incredibly important subject for our pupils to engage in to help children build life-long habits related to physical health and wellbeing.
Through PE lessons, it is our intention that all pupils-
- Learn and engage in a range of physical activities.
- Take part in PE lessons, keeping them active and healthy.
- Engage in both collaborative and competitive sports and games.
- Understand the benefits and value of physical activity on their mental and physical health.
- Begin building life-long habits in keeping physically fit.
How is PE taught at RAPS?
Pupils in every year group from Reception to Year 6 have weekly PE lessons. Some PE lessons are led by our sports coaches whilst other PE lessons are led by the class teachers.
Our PE lessons take place either in the hall, our dance studio or outside on the field or on the playground, depending on the unit being taught.
What is taught?
Our PE lessons always include warm-ups, direct instruction and modelling from the teacher, practical learning and cool downs.
At RAPS, we offer a wide range of PE units to our pupils. We have partnered with TeamTheme, an experienced sports provider in Kent, who deliver weekly PE lessons to pupils across the school.
Our PE content for Reception aims to provide pupils with foundational skills to provide them readiness for the key stage one curriculum content. This includes learning basic movements, developing balance and co-ordination and playing together.
Our PE curriculum for key stages 1 and 2 ensures full coverage of the PE content outlined by the National Curriculum. See below for our whole school overview for PE.
What is the impact of our PE curriculum?
As a result of engaging in our PE curriculum, pupils at RAPS-
- Know, engage in and enjoy a range of sports, games and physical activities.
- Take pride and pleasure in playing both collaborative and competitive games and sports.
- Understand and reap the mental and physical benefits of keeping physically active.
How else are RAPS pupils encouraged to live active lives and enjoy sports?
Alongside the teaching of PE lessons, we aim to promote active and healthy lifestyles to our pupils.
We do this by:
- Ensuring a range of sporting and play equipment is provided during lunchtimes and physical activity is encouraged.
- Providing the opportunity for pupils to engage in local sporting events, such as competitive team sports alongside other school teams.
- Teaching about the impact of exercise through science and PSHE units.
- Celebrating team or individual’s sporting and fitness achievements during assemblies. Taking part in school wide events, such as sports day, and Trust wide events, such as The Viking Games.
Five fast tips to promote physically active lifestyle to your child
Keeping fit and active provides us with benefits on our physical and mental health. Explore these tips to ensure your child enjoys an active lifestyle.
- Reinforce the reasons. Tell your child why keeping active is important and how it can improve their physical and mental health. This will encourage them to keep fit.
- Model an active lifestyle. Modelling an active lifestyle shows your child that you value keeping physically fit and well. A simple gesture such as walking or engaging in swimming can promote good fitness behaviours at home.
- Create a fitness routine. Keeping a routine for fitness can really help build excellent habits. Having set days or times for activity can help. It could be a quick walk, a jog, swimming or throwing a basketball into the hoop at the park. See here for suitable types of activity.
- Watch sports. Watching sports together by attending sporting events or tuning into TV channels can show your child how fun physical activity can be.
- Create opportunities for collaboration. Keeping active together is motivating and fun. Perhaps you can engage in activity together with your child or you could sign them up to a club or group. See here for local clubs.
Why promote a physically active lifestyle?
If your child can develop a love for fitness at an early stage in their life, they’re more likely to live an active lifestyle as they grow. This means they’re more likely to be healthy both physically and mentally. Read more about why and how to keep your child physically active here.