Welcome to Term 2

We hope that you all had a lovely half term break. Read on below for some information about Term 2.
Well, here we are again. Lockdown beckons, but we will still continue on as normal making school as fun an experience as we can for all of the children in Team Gunson. We will be having a science topic looking at 'Our Electric World' with plenty of information gathering and lots of experiments with circuits to come. Our new class novel is the wonderful 'Clockwork' by Philip Pullman, an atmospheric and darkly funny story with child-friendly elements of suspense and horror. For more details of the curriculum please see the new curriculum map that will be attached at the top of our Year 4 blog page.
Can we just remind parents to send messages to the class teacher by phone or email wherever possible and to make sure that you wear face coverings at pick up and drop off. We look forward to another wonderful term of learning on the run up to Christmas.