Home Learning, Friday 24th April
Please see below for Friday's home learning
Hey, it's Friday! I hope you all had a good week and got lots of super learning done. I will be in school again today so I may well try to give some of you a call if I couldn't get through on Wednesday. I will also put up a link to our celebration assembly this morning.
Maths: Summer Term, Week 2, Lesson 3 - Adding decimals with a different number of decimal places
Watch the lesson then have a go at the questions. You can re-watch the lesson if you need to.
Reading: Read chapter 4 (Pages 18-21) of 'There's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom' and try to answer the following questions:
1. Why is Bradley's mother afraid of what Mrs Ebbel will tell her about Bradley?
2, Why does Mrs Ebbel not smile back at Bredley's mum (top of page 19)?
3. What is a school counselor?
4. What are your first impressions of Carla Davis?
English: Today I would like you think about what you know about Bradley Chalkers, draw a picture of him and write a short character description. I have attached a checklist of things I will be looking for when describing your character.
Topic: IALT: compare gestation periods of different animals.
Yesterday, we briefly mentioned that different mammals grow their young in the womb for different periods of time. This is known as the gestation period. Scientists and vets might use this information to help them understand and care for animals.
We want to compare the gestation periods of different animals and collate this data using a graph.
Remember the features of a bar graph: axis labels, axis, scale, title, bars.
I have attached the sheet you will need to use. Work through it carefully and answer the questions. Good luck!