Welcome Back!

Looking forward to the term ahead!
Welcome back, Team Amin! I hope you have all had a restful Half Term and are well! The children have settled back into school brilliantly and I am very excited to see where their learning takes them this term. Though I know that the times ahead remain uncertain as lockdown begins, Team Amin will still revise old learning, build on and enjoy new learning and continue to grow as the amazing individuals they are and everyone at RAPS will still continue on as normal making school as fun an experience as we can for all. We have an exciting term ahead so please do look at our blog to see what the children are getting up to!
A few things from me:
Please could all children come in with their jumper or a coat. It is getting colder outside and I would like the children to stay as warm as possible, especially when they are outside.
Uniform should be clearly labelled with children's names so that we can identify who it belongs to if lost.
Please wear face coverings at pick up and drop off to keep everybody safe.
Do not hesitate to speak to me in the playground if there is anything else or to send a message through the office/a note up :)