Reading and writing in Year 1

Please find attached a powerpoint with information about reading and writing in Year 1. If you have any further questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact us.
You may find some of the children bringing home a paper copy of a RWI book they are using in school. This does not have to be returned, it is there to support the children and it's a nice way for the children to demonstrate to you how we use these RWI books at school.
Please please please remember to read with your child as often as you can. Even if only for a few minutes at a time. It really does make a big difference to their learning in school.
Some frequently used RWI phrases:
Fred talk: this is where we sound out individual sounds from a word and then blend them together
Fred in your head: this is where we sound out the individual sounds in our head and say the word out loud
We can't Fred a red: we say this to remind the children we can't 'Fred talk' a red word, we just have to know it!