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Green Room (R)

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Page 6

  • Sleep Challenge

    Published 09/02/23, by Admin

    Years 1-6 were introduced to the Sleep Challenge in assembly today. Originally this was aimed at years 1-6 but Mrs. Elliott has said that if any Reception children take part they will be included in the prize draw as welll.  Attached is the diary booklet for the challenge. If you would like to take part, download the document and take part! Below is the original text from Mrs. Elliott.

    For two weeks, from 11th to 24th February, all those who take part in the Sleep Challenge can complete a sleep dairy; they will agree a bedtime with their parents and try to stick to it, their completed diary needs to be returned to school by 1st March to be entered into a draw. There will be one winner for year 1 and 2, 1 for years 3 and 4, one for years 5 and 6.

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  • Safer Internet day charity hit single

    Published 08/02/23, by Admin

    After a brief hiatus after the success of their Christmas album. Green/Blue room were asked to write a hit single for safer Internet day. The band used the occasion to also announce a name change, to Beefio Band. This is to make things easier for tax purposes for Beefio Industries. Beefio Industries, as you know, includes the famous shops: Beefio Breakfast Bar, Beefio Outdoor Restaurant, Beefio Café and the Beefio Seasonal Pop Up. There have been accusations that the owners of Beefio Industries are out of touch with the common man; the papers reported recently that Beefio Café was charging 100 pounds for salami! But despite the recent bad press, Beefio Band have written another late winter smash hit.

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  • Safer Internet Day

    Published 07/02/23, by Admin

    Learning how to use the Internet safely

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  • Jaws n Claws

    Published 02/02/23, by Admin

    Minibeasts (and more) invasion!

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  • Minibeasts!

    Published 30/01/23, by Admin

    For the second part of our 'All Creatures Great and Small' topic, we will be looking at minibeasts. Today we introduced the children to minibeasts, explaining what they are and sorting out mini beasts in to different categories. After that we went on a minibeast hunt in the garden. Ask your child to tell you what a minibeast is (does it have a spine? is it big or small?).

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  • Topic: art week!

    Published 27/01/23, by Admin

    Topic was lots of fun this week. We had a special week full of art. We learnt about silhouettes and made a beautiful sunset scene with a dinosaur silhouette. The children learnt how to use watercolours to make their sunset and did some amazing cutting out. We did some observational drawing. We learnt about 'bling drawing' and observational drawing and then did our own observational drawings. We sat down and drew dinosaurs that were on the table. We also learnt about junk modelling and then made our own 3D dinosaurs with masking take, paper and tissue. This task would have been the perfect opportunity to teach the children about abstract sculpture as our creations all ended up looking particularly individual/original!

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  • Maths

    Published 27/01/23, by Admin

    In maths this week we combined groups together, specifically using the words combine and altogether during the lesson. We combine groups of people and did lots of table activities! Ask your child what combine and altogether means! We also looked at height and length. We ordered piece of string from longest to shortest, we ordered ourselves by our heights and we made groups of long and short objects.

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  • Jaws n Claws

    Published 24/01/23, by Admin

    Mini beast adventures next week in early years.

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  • Topic this week.

    Published 19/01/23, by Admin

    This week, in topic, we learnt about Dinosaurs. We learnt specifically about fossils, how fossils form and the famous fossil hunter Mary Anning. We saw some real fossils! We made our own fossil by imprinting a dinosaur into Playdough, we did drawings of fossils and matched dinosaurs to their fossils amongst other things.

    Palaeontologist role play: a lot of large fossils can be found in Ramsgate as seen below.

    Making out own fossils:

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  • Maths: mass and capacity

    Published 19/01/23, by Admin

    This week we have been learning about mass and capacity.

    When looking at mass we learnt how to use scales, how to estimate using ourselves as human scales and how to order items by their mass. You could ask your children about how heavy or light an object is, which object is the heaviest or lightest, or as a challenge, order objects according to their mass. 

    When looking at capacity we learnt about containers and which one would be best for Mr. Jones and Mrs Smart to use if they were reallllyyyyy thirsty (a unanimous vote for the largest container). We each had a cup and filled them with sand, water, pompoms, beads, pegs or loose parts. You could ask your children to tell you when containers they use are full, empty, almost empty or almost full, as a challenge you could ask them to tell you when their cup is half full (or debate if its half empty to bring some philosophy to your evening or weekend)

    Using scales, one stones mass is equal to the mass of multiple corks:

    Have we overloaded the scales? A debate that wasn't concluded.

    Trying, and succeeding, to balance a set of scales:

    Organising by mass; we learnt that size doesn't always mean an object has more mass, here, our object with the smallest mass was the largest by size!

    Capacity! This container is almost full:

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  • What was in the egg?

    Published 19/01/23, by Admin

    Shock in Ramsgate as we find out.....

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  • Flower power

    Published 16/01/23, by Admin


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