Welcome back - Term 4!
I hope that everyone has had a lovely half-term break and had the opportunity to recharge batteries. We start back tomorrow, so here are a few key pieces of information...
Firstly, the arts curriculum timetable is as follows:
Monday - Double Art
Tuesday - Dance & PE
Wednesday - PE &Music
Thursday - DT & Computing
Therefore, please ensure that the children come in wearing their PE kits on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Secondly, the early morning maths group that started last term will continue during term 3. It will be the same children attending (if you do not know anything about it, then you do not need to attend!), and will commence on Monday 2oth Feb at 8am.
Finally, a reminder that we will be under-going a 'mock SATS' week this first week back. Please advise children, so it is not a shock on Monday. Please see the previous blog post for further details about this week.