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RAPS celebrate ARP

Young artists in Ramsgate have created their own exhibition in honour of avant-garde artist Jean Arp.

Pupils at Ramsgate Arts Primary School have worked closely with learning teams at the Turner Contemporary gallery in Margate which is showing Arp’s work in The Poetry of Forms until January 14.

The children visited the gallery and then worked in school to celebrate Arp’s drawings, collages, paintings, wood reliefs and sculptures.

Large wall panels featuring their creative talents are now on show in the school corridors.

Head of School Nick Budge said: “The Arp project really sparked an interest in our pupils and it helped them embrace a new way of looking at art.

“They let their imaginations run free and came up with some creative and thoughtful work that we are proud to put on show for everyone to see. The display panels have attracted interest already and they are very colourful.”

The output of Jean Arp embraced Dada, Surrealism and Abstraction.