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Home Learning, Monday 27th April

Please see below for Monday's home learning.



Good morning everyone! I hope that you all had a lovely weekend and managed to make the most of the sunny weather. This week looks a bit more miserable weather-wise, but we'll keep ourselves busy with some fun learning. I hope you got to see our virtual assembly on Friday, congratulations to Danika and Neve for their certificates.

Maths:  White Rose Maths, Year 5, Summer Term, Week 2 Lesson 4 - Subtracting decimals with a different number of decimal places

This will be our last lesson on decimals for a while. So, watch the lesson and have a go at the activity.

Reading: There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom, chapters 5 and 6, pages 22-26 (attached).

See if you can answer the following questions:

1. What does Bradley’s mother say about the meeting during dinner?

2. What is Bradley’s reaction to his mother’s news?

3. Why is Jeff going to see the counsellor?

4. What room does Jeff mistakenly enter when he is looking for Carla’s office?

5. From what you have read, what sort of boy do you think Jeff Fishkin is?

English: Do you remember when we had Time Capsule Education come to visit to teach us about the Anglo-Saxons? Well, Tim has a Youtube channel where he tells stories and helps children with their creative writing. We are going to have a bit of an explore today. Tim used to work for Games Workshop with me many, many years ago and is a master model maker. He has created a model of Beamfleot - A village in the Marshes and is starting a Home Learning Writing Project with the village at its core.

Have a look at this video of Tim talking about the Village:

Tim will give you some ideas about how to describe this village setting. He wants you to imagine that you have just arrived at Beamfleot in the pouring rain and start your description in this way. Well, watch the video and he will explain it far better than I can type it!

Here is another video showing the village at night to help you when it comes to creating the atmosphere:

I am really looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

Topic: IK: the reproductive parts of a plant.

It isn’t just animals that go through life cycles and that, as living things, plants also go through a life cycle too. All living things reproduce and this is how the life cycle can continue.

There are two types of reproduction: sexual and asexual. Have a look at the attached presentation about plants’ reproduction parts (see attachments).

I would like you to either draw, using pencils or pens, or create the reproductive parts of the plant using craft materials e.g. pipe cleaners, straw, string card, tissue paper etc. and label the reproductive parts of the plant.