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Home Learning

Monday 13th July 2020

Hi Team R-B!

Hope you all had an amazing weekend the weather was so beautiful. I went to Ramsgate on Saturday to visit a really lovely bookshop and even managed to bump into some of you which really made my day!


On Friday you should have seen a video from your new teacher, Miss Amin. Miss Amin is one of the loveliest people you will ever meet. You are so lucky to have her as your teacher next year! If you are coming to the picnic next week you will have a chance to meet her then.


This week is going to be all about transition activities into Year 3.

Therefore today, I would like you to watch the video from Miss Amin and then complete her ‘Getting to Know You’ activity and send it to her.

Password: RAPS


Remember, she will be your teacher for next year so you’re going to want it to be your BEST work! 

Keep it safe, you will need it on your first day in September!


Happy Monday!


Love Miss R-B, Mr Brown, Mrs Fetherston and Charlie Fudge xxx