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A quick update on spelling ! 

Hi all,

Miss.Maclean kindly posted our welcome back earlier in the week, but I thought I would give a quick update on spellings.

The children did not have spellings for this week as we give them their spelling sheets a week in advance. As such, they will be given new spellings on Friday that will need to be in for next week, when they will be tested on them. 


At the end of last term, I tested the children on their first 100 common spelling words to see who needs a little extra help to get the basics conquered. The children then took home a sheet of those same spellings in case they wanted to go over them themselves in the half-term. 

It was lovely to see a real uptake in the children bringing in their spelling sheets and wanting to get them all correct as the term progressed. Hoping to see the same, if not more enthusiasm, this term !

Well done Team Bullard.