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Team Cialis (Yr 4)

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  • Spelings

    Published 28/06/24, by Seb Chamberlain

    The spellings being sent home this week are:













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  • Sports Day 2024

    Published 21/06/24, by Joshua Cialis

    Tuesday (25th) will be Sports Day for Key Stage 2. Please ensure you are on time and wearing PE kit in you house colour. Children must also bring a bottle of water and wear sun cream (staff cannot help your child apply suncream).

    If you wish to watch Sports Day, parents will be let onto the field at 8:50 ready for a 9am start. Sports Day will finish at 11am.

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  • Non-Uniform 21.6.24

    Published 18/06/24, by Joshua Cialis

    In August, Miss Goode will be climbing Scafell Pike (the highest mountain in England). She is embarking on this challenge in aid of the National Autistic Society. On Friday, we will be having a non-uniform day to help raise money for Miss Goode's challenge. If you wish to make a donation, please send it in with your child on Friday.

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  • Time

    Published 17/06/24, by Joshua Cialis

    Last week, the children completed their learning about time. They learnt how to read analogue and digital clocks, and how to convert between 24 hour and 12 hour displays.

    To ensure your child remembers these skills, please continue to practise reading various clock displays.

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  • Change to Arts next week...

    Published 14/06/24, by Joshua Cialis

    Due to year 6 rehearsals, Team Cialis will have PE on Monday next week.

    Please bring your kit on Monday.

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  • Upton Cross- Country

    Published 09/06/24, by Alice McCormack

    Upton Cross-Country: Saturday 22nd June

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  • Quiz Night!

    Published 07/06/24, by Seb Chamberlain

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  • Times Tables Battle

    Published 06/06/24, by Joshua Cialis

    As a last push before the MTC next week, I have set up a times table battle on TTRS for children to practise their times tables ready for next week.

    Battle 1: 6.6.24-7.6.24 Team Cialis

    Battle 2: 7.6.24-10.6.24 Team Cialis vs Team Chamberlain


    Keep practising and keep learning those tables!

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  • Talent Show!

    Published 03/06/24, by Joshua Cialis

    All the children in Team Cialis truly are talented. This was highlighted by the RAPS Talent Show, where several members of Team Cialis showcased their talents. We have musicians, dancers, and a flag genius among our class.

    Team Cialis' Adrians came in 2nd after showing off his amazing flag knowledge.

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  • Welcome Back Term 6!

    Published 03/06/24, by Joshua Cialis

    We have made it to Term 6! So unfortunately this will be our last 7 weeks together as Team Cialis. This term will be great though. We have so many fun activities and learning opportunities planned!

    Keep an eye on the blog for any information and key dates. You can also read our curriculum letter to find out all the interesting things we will be learning about this term.

    Our PE days are going to be Wednesday and Thursday this term, so make sure you wear your PE kit on Wednesday & Thursday.

    We look forward to welcoming you back into the classroom on Monday!


    Mr Cialis & Mr Adams

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  • Times Table Hot Chocolate

    Published 17/05/24, by Joshua Cialis

    Last Friday, 30 children across Year 4 earnt a hot chocolate for making 7 or more points progress (or getting full marks) on the MTC practice. How many will earn a treat this week?

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  • A message from Mr Budge

    Published 17/05/24, by Joshua Cialis

    The benefits of the children going outside are huge:

    • improve moods
    • reduce feelings of anxiety
    • helping them take time out and feel more relaxed
    • improve their physical health
    • improve their confidence and self-esteem
    • helps them become more active
    • help build relationships with other children through play.


    With the changeable warmer weather, the children will go outside as much as possible at break and lunchtimes. Please make sure that your child is prepared with the correct clothing whatever the weather.

    'There's no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing.'

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