Formal Letter Writing
This week we are using our class novel 'Clockwork' to inspire us to write persuasive letters. Read on below...
Welcome to Team Gunson. Please see a message from Mr Gunson your class teacher.
This week we are using our class novel 'Clockwork' to inspire us to write persuasive letters. Read on below...
This week we are looking at the _ure spelling pattern. Friday is test day and our words are: picture, mixture, closure, puncture, creature, capture. Our 'jumping orange' Year 4 words are: accident, appear, actually & actual.
My Electric World.
We will continue with the prefixes mis, dis and un this week. Spellings will be tested on Friday. This weeks words are:
misprint, mistreat, mislead, misbehave, disagree, misspell, undo, unfair, mismatch, perhaps
Well done to everyone last term for doing so well. Let's see if we can get some more 10/10 scores in Term 2!
We hope that you all had a lovely half term break. Read on below for some information about Term 2.
This week's spellings finish our work on prefixes. We will be concentrating on the prefix 'sub' which means under.
Year 4 is an important one for times tables. The expectation is that all children are able to recall their tables; from 2x2 to 12x12 before they finish the year. Check out below to see how we have been getting on and how you can help.
Friday saw Team Gunson's JLT elections.
This week we have been learning about earthquakes. We looked at how and where they are formed, wrote an emergency broadcast script about how to protect yourselves from an earthquake and then had a go at building earthquake resisitent buildings. Check out below for some more photos!
This week I will be sending the children home with their Love To Learn homework books. Love to Learn is optional homework, there is no expectation that children complete this task unless they (and you) want them to. See below for details of this task:
This week we continue to look at prefixes. Our spellings all begin with the prefix - super, which means above or beyond. We will be testing on Friday. A copy of the spellings is put in each child's tray every Friday and additional copies are available by the classroom door for children to take.
superstar, superman, supersonic, superhuman, supertanker, superstructure, superhighway, although, address, appear
Please see below for this week's spelling words, which are a mixture of anti words and key topic vocabulary.