Personal Development Week in Team Hayzelden
Check out all of the wonderful learning we have been doing in our Personal Development lessons this week!
Check out all of the wonderful learning we have been doing in our Personal Development lessons this week!
Please find Jacob's term 3 film review!
We hope that everybody had a lovely half term and are ready for the new term ahead.
Please find a message about the literacy festival below.
A message about the Speaker Competition.
Please find a letter from Miss P-W below regarding costumes for our Musical Showcase next term.
We have been celebrating Safer Internet Day!
We have been learning how to divide in maths this week.
"Thanet Primary Schools' Cross Country Event - Quex Park, Saturday 1st March 2025
This Friday is Number Day!
Team Hayzelden loved their trip to the library yesterday. A lot of children asked about getting their own library cards, here is how you can get one...
We have been writing some incredible informal letters in Team Hayzelden!