Spelling and L2L - Team Williams
In class, we have been exploring the '-ible' and '-able' suffixes...
In class, we have been exploring the '-ible' and '-able' suffixes...
On Tuesday, Year 6 visited the Ramsgate Tunnels.
The second RAPS Creative Showcase will take place at the Granville Theatre on Tuesday 1st April 2025
The spelling words this week are again taken from the statutory list, whilst a short reading comprehension has been set too...
On Tuesday, as part of our topic 'World at War', year 6 will be heading to the Ramsgate Tunnels...
Well done to all the pupils in Team Williams for getting on with the 'mock SATS' week...
The home learning tasks are a bit different this week, as is the deadline...
For most of the coming week, Year 6 will be undertaking a series of 'mock SATS'...
The children have been given spelling words and a reading comprehension task this week...
To begin our topic 'World At War', we created images to showcase the Blitz and the bombing of major UK towns and cities...
'The Viking Speaker' competition theme for this year is to think of a new subject that you would like to be taught in your school and persuade your head of school to introduce it.
Hopefully the children had a restful half-term break and are ready to begin back, as we enter the second half of the academic year...