Latest spellings
The spellings sent this week are the latest statutory words...
The spellings sent this week are the latest statutory words...
Over the course of the past week, Team Beraet have been writing, editing and then publishing our balanced arguments...
In our maths lessons this week, we have been looking at using percentages...
Here are the latest spelling words and reading comprehension task that were sent home with the children...
The last few weeks in maths have centred on decimal numbers...
This term, we have been reading the book, 'Pig Heart Boy' by Malorie Blackman. Our first piece of writing from this text is a balanced argument on the issue of xenotransplantation...
Please find the new tasks that have been set today, to be tested next week...
The focus in our RE this week has been Islam and, in particular, the Qu'ran...
Our first week back has been a Personal Development week...
We hope you had a lovely Christmas and New Year period, but we are now getting ready to go again...
There is NO spellings or L2L over the Christmas break...
Yesterday, we headed to the Granville to watch a production of Peter Pan...