Last week in Team Smart
Here's what is going on...
This week is our last week as Team Smart! We have had the BEST year together and we cannot wait to be in year 1 next week.
Here is what is coming up this week and next:
Wednesday 13th July - Treat day at Under 1 Roof. Please wear RAPS PE kit, sun hat, sun cream and bring a water bottle. This is an end of year treat and does not need to be paid for. We will be back at school for 1:30pm
Wednesday 13th July - Water fight at school. Please bring a spare change of clothes and a towel so we can change the children after the water fight. If you wanted to bring water guns, you are more than welcome.
Thursday 14th July- Last Parent reading session 2:40pm
Friday 15th July- RAPS Summer Fayre 3-6pm on field.
Monday 18th July- LAST DAY IN RECEPTION.
Monday 18th July- Sports Day. 1:30pm Please wear house colour top, PE shorts, plimsolls, sun hat, sun cream and water bottle.
Tuesday 19th July- Thursday 21st July- Year 1 days. Children will be in their new class for all three days. Please pick up and drop off from here.
Thursday 21st July- Last day at RAPS for summer. Please pick up at 2pm. No after school club.