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Welcome Back

Welcome back. Please read for information regarding back to school. 

I hope you all had a lovely, restful summer. Hopefully the children are looking forward to coming back although I expect there will be some nerves creeping in for some. 

This year promises to be an exciting one with lots of fun activities planned. As the children move up the school, they will start to become more independent and take on more responsibility. This can be encouraged at home by children being responsible for remembering to do their spellings and bring their reading records in more independently.

Reading records are expected in every day but will be checked Mondays. Remember at RAPS, we should see evidence of reading at least 4 times per week. Children may also read and fill in their record independently some of the time, but adults should sign/initial their reading records to confirm this has been done. 

Spellings will be set every Monday and spelling tests will be on Fridays. Children are expected to hand in their spelling sheets Friday mornings. If children do not hand in their sheets and get less than 8/10 on their test, they will be asked to complete a sheet during golden time. If spelling sheets are handed in and completed, children will not be asked to complete another sheet.

PE- this term PE is on Tuesdays and Wednesdays for Y5. They are going to continue to come in PE kit on those days. 

Please ensure children are in the correct school uniform or PE kit when they arrive at school. Information on this can be found on the website. This includes having long hair tied up and no jewellery other than small stud earrings and a watch. Children must be able to remove their own jewellery for PE and dance or have tape with them to cover earrings if they cannot be removed. 

Meet the teacher- You have an opportunity to meet myself and hear about the year ahead on Friday (9th) in the classroom. It would be lovely to see as many who can make it as possible at 2.30pm. 

I am really looking forward to what will be a positive year at RAPS and I hope you are too! I know Mr Brown and Mr Holliday are equally excited. Please feel free to catch me in the mornings at the classroom door, or in the playground at the end of the day if you see me. 

Miss Dannell, Mr Brown, Mr Holliday.