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On Friday, the children were sent home with a Love2Learn task to complete over the half-term break. This links directly to the learning that has taken place over the course of term one...

In English, our core text was 'Street Child', which follows the journey of young Jim Jarvis in Victorian London. We read the book together and discussed key themes in our class guided reading sessions. It was also the basis for all of our writing over the term in English lessons.

Similarly, in topic, after initially looking at crime and punishment in various periods of British history, we focused on life in Victorian Britain.

Therefore, we are asking the children to choose one of the nine suggested activities on the Love2Learn 'menu' in their books (an electronic copy is also attached at the bottom of this post). We have tried to include flexibility in the tasks on offer: art, writing, craft etc.

A completed piece will be due in on the first Friday back - Friday 4th November.