Show and Tell in Term 5

Show and Tell will continue to be held on Fridays in term 5. Show and Tell is a great opportunity for the children to practise and hone their oracy skills! It is hugely popular and we often don't have time for everyone to show their objects so from Term 5 each week we will rotate on a house by house basis which should give the children more time to talk about their object. We would like the children to bring in things they have plenty to talk about such as something they have made, a souvenir from a trip or holiday, a sporting award or a special photograph would be ideal. Please could they avoid bringing in cuddly toys (or McDonalds toys!) thankyou. The house dates are below:
Week 1 (Friday 21st April) - Emin (blue)
Week 2 (Friday 28th April) - Bussell (red)
Week 3 (Friday 5th May) - Malone (green)
Week 4 (Friday 12th May) - Elba (yellow)
Week 5 (Friday 19th May) - Emin (blue)
Week 6 (Friday 26th May) - Bussell (red)