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Materials Everywhere!

We've had such a fun last week of our topic!

This week we have been looking at how stretchy materials are and the best material to build a house with. In both cases we discussed the materials, predicted what we thought the outcome would be and then investigated! We stretched materials and were not surprised to discover the elastic band was the stretchiest. We built houses from straw, sticks and bricks then used a fan to see which one was best to build with. Again, our prediction was correct that a brick house would last. 

We ended the week with another pub quiz today; the children really got the hang of it this time, we had a couple of teams getting full marks! I'll upload the quiz in case you wanted to have a go at home. I've been really impressed at how well the children have retained their knowledge - I've promised crisps, dips and mocktails for our next pub quiz! 

The next few weeks we will be doing Personal Development and Religious Education in our topic lessons.