Personal Development Week
Our first week back in 2025.
Our first week of term is normally Personal Development Week. During the week is when we teach Personal Development, PD, Personal Social Health Education, PSHE, and Religious Education, RE.
This term our focus for RE was 'Special Books'. We looked at the books from the Christian, Jewish and Muslim faiths. We spoke about books that were important to us and how we look after these books, we considered how this differed from religious books. We shared some of the stories from the Bible, Torah and Quran. One of these stories was Noah's Ark - see pictures of us building our own ark!
In PD and PSHE our focus was emotions and being part of a community. Which emotions can we recognise, how we can support our peers with these emotions. We thought about how we could ensure our emotions stayed regulated and didn't affect others in a negative way. We considered how being part of a community could link to our emotions in terms of rules/laws.