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End of Term Pub Quiz!

We had extra treats today as it's our last pub quiz in Welvens' Tavern! 

I've assured the children that Miss Merry will be taking over the pub quizzes but today was our last one as Team Welvens so it was extra special with nibbles and Mocktails! (Orange/Apple juice and fizzy water)

The children, as always, were great! They have so much knowledge of our topic and answered the questions with ease - I'll have to make sure Miss Merry makes them harder in the future! 

I do hope to be back for the first two weeks of term 4, thank you for all your kind words and gifts. I'm certainly lucky to have such wonderful parents and children in Team Welvens. If I'm not here after half term, I'll be sure to bring the baby in for home time at some point! (once they've had jabs, children are so germy!) Lots of love, Mrs W xx