Dear Team Rees-Boughton
A letter to parents and children ...
Dear Pupils and Parents of Team Rees-Boughton,
I am writing to let you know that we will be having some time away from school. It is very important that we do this so that we can stay safe from a virus that is easily spread between people.
Whilst you are away from school, I would still like you to complete some work each day.
I have created a folder with lots of learning for you to try. The more you do, the more confident you will feel when we do come back to school so have a go at as much as you can! You can find this on the RAPS website.
As well as this, I am sending you home with a pack containing a workbook, pencil and rubber. Inside the book you can find the login details for Bug Club and Times Tables Rock Stars.
Remember to read every day as well and record these in your yellow book. I would love to hear all about the new books you read during our time away from school. On our school website, there is a list of learning sites for you to use too!
Each day, I will add some challenges to the blog. Please check the blog each day and complete the challenges. You can email me any work you complete or photographs of your learning.
I will check my emails every day and get back to you. I will most commonly be available between the hours of 9:00 – 3:00.
My email address is
Please contact me if you need any additional resources and we will see what we can do to get them to you.
I am really looking forward to us coming back to RAPS and hearing about the work that you have completed.
Do take care and remember to keep smiling - I will be thinking of you all!
See you soon!
Miss R-B :)