Home Learning Friday 17th April
Please see below for Friday's home learning.
Good morning everyone! I hope that you all started to get back into a bit of a routine again yesterday. I will be in RAPS today looking after the children of key workers, but will make sure that I check my emails regularly if you need any support.
For today's home learning, read on:
PE: Have a look at the 'Treasure Chest' blog post from Mrs Horrigan and make a start on an activity of your choice. Danika, I expect you to finish the whole thing by twenty past nine ;-)
Maths: Summer Term, Week 1 Lesson 2: Subtracting Decimals Within One
This follows on from yesterday's learning. As usual, watch the video lesson provided then have a go at the activity sheet. Parents and carers, the answers are there too.
English/Topic: Non-Chronological Report (Information Text). Hopefully you had a chance to re-familiarise yourself with the structure and features yesterday. Today I would like you to plan and write a non-chronological report about classification. This links directly in with the first lesson of our new topic about 'The Circle of Live'. Have a good look at the attached Powerpoint as it will give you the key information (This is your topic learning). Get as much information as you need and decide how you are going to organise your report. Make sure that you use the correct sub-headings to organise your writing. If you would like to do some more research for your report please feel free, the more information you have, the more detailed your report will be.
Good luck.