Home Learning, Wednesday 29th April
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Please see below for Wednesday's home learning.
Good morning Team Gunson. I hope you enjoyed your learning yesterday. Big shout out to Wade and Warren who are smashing it at the moment! Here is your learning for today.
Maths: Back to the White Rose website today, but we're going to go back a little. So I don't want you to look at the Summer term, but Week 1 of the previous term's learning.
Week 1, Lesson 2 - Decimals as fractions (1)
Reading: There's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom, Chapter 8, Pages 31-35
Read the Chapter and then answer the following questions:
1. Why do the children have to eat in the auditorium?
2.What is the auditorium like?
3.What do Bradley and Jeff eat for lunch?
4. From what you have read so far, what sort of person do you think Bradley is?
5.Do you think Bradley is a loyal friend? Why?/Why not?
English: A break from story writing today as I'd like us to do a little bit of SPaG and go back over speech punctuation.
So, watch the video, then have a go at the highlight the speech activity and finish with the quiz. Good luck :)
Topic: IK the life cycle of a frog
Watch this really great video.
And this interactive website
Then draw and label the life cycle of a frog please. This may help...