Daily Challenges: Tuesday 12th May
We hope you don't get blown away today...
Hello Team Barnes,
We cannot wait to see you back in school (not long now maybe). You are all doing such an amazing job and we are loving your daily updates. Keep it up! We hope you liked our 'Jack and the Beanstalk' story. It was so much fun to make. If you haven't had the chance to check it out yet make sure you do. Here is the link to all of the teachers telling the story in different ways. https://vimeo.com/416323443
Please see challenges below for the day:
Miss Spurrier’s group- ng- Thing on a string
Words for spelling: thing, ping, ring.
Sentence: The thing went ping.
Miss Taft’s group- z- zip
Words for blending: zag, zip, zig
Spelling: zag, zip, zig
Sentence: I did the zip.
Mrs Barnes’ group- ai- snail in the rain
Words for spelling: rain, pain, main.
Sentence: The snail in the rain is in pain.
Miss Merry’s group- u-e- huge brute
(special friends who have been split up for talking and someone else has been put in the middle e.g. huge u-e is the sound with the loop over to show who was talking and g is the letter that’s been put in the middle).
Words for spelling: huge, June, rude
Sentence: It Is very hot in June.
Please record in yellow book. -Two lines of handwriting of the sound with finger spaces, three spellings with the sound in and record the sentence with a capital letter and full stop. I have attached a photo of how you may want to lay the home learning out in your yellow book.
RWI LIVE lessons with Rosie on YouTube:
Set 1
speed sounds- 9:30am
word time (green words)- 9:45am
Spellings- 10am
Set 2
Speed sounds and word time- 10am
Spellings- 10:15am
Set 3
Speed sounds and word time- 10:30am
Spelling- 10:45am
Story time with Nick (Mon, Wed, Fri)- 2pm
Please see the 'learning at home file' for the handwriting patters, sounds and phrases, red words and alien words.
Miss Spurrier has recorded herself going through the RWI set 1, 2 and 3 sounds. She is trying to rival Rosie on YouTube. There is no password.
RWI challenge: Can you record a short video joining in with the sounds and post it on the padlet?
Enjoy and let us know what you think :)
https://vimeo.com/414752875 RWI Set 1 sounds
https://vimeo.com/414764363 RWI Set 2 sounds
https://vimeo.com/414761386 RWI Set 3 sounds
Counting/Starter: Counting to and from 20. Challenge: How quickly can you write your numbers to and from 20? Can you time yourself and beat the timer the second time around?
Children will naturally explore 3-D shapes through block play and modelling. They have been introduced to the names of the shapes. Can they explore the similarities and differences between them and to sort them according to what they notice. Prompt them to consider which shapes are good for stacking, which will roll and why that is (use photos attached for discussion or if you have any 3D shapes around your house, everyday objects) Can you use a variety of everyday objects in different shapes and sizes such as boxes, tubes, balls etc.
Attached are photos of 3D shapes. Can you pick a photo and describe the shape. Can you find another shape like this? Can they find a different shape? How is it different?
Can you sort the shapes into groups? Why did you put certain shapes together? Is there another way we could sort them?
If you were to build a tower using the shapes. Which shapes work best on the top? Are there any shapes which are not good for building? Why?
Challenge: Using pictures of palace, mosques, cities etc. What shapes can you see in these buildings? Can you build your own model. Which shapes will you use.
Extension: If you have playdoh can you try and make 3-D shapes. Which shapes are easiest to make? Why? Which are harder to make? Why? Did you use any equipment to help you make a flat side?
Links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guNdJ5MtX1A
Minibeast art: Leaf art
What is your favourite minibeast? Go on a walk and collect some leaves, sticks and bark. Can you use this to make a minibeast of your own. In the example below they have used a piece of cardboard and painted it a bright colour. Then stuck down the leaves etc to make the minibeast. Have a look at the attachments below for an example.
Viking Academy Trust Writing Competition
Hi Everyone,
This week, Mr McAuley (from Chilton Primary School) will be launching a new and exciting Viking Academy Trust writing competition! On this occasion though, we are extra fortunate because we have a professional author on board whose writing yours will be based ... Martyn Harvey, the author of The Boy with The Sauce Pan Hat, has very kindly given us special access to his poems, before they are released to the general public!
Every day this week, there will be a new poem on your blog to watch, where he or another member of the Trust will talk about the poem and its' inspiration.
Finally, on Friday, when you have watched all his poems, he will announce this term’s writing competition and a poster will appear on your blog explaining exactly what you will need to do.
I hope you enjoy the poems, and keep an eye out for the launch on Friday when you will find out exactly what you will need to do.
I look forward to receiving lots of your poetic entries in the coming weeks.
Here is video 1:The Millipede: https://vimeo.com/416956768
Best wishes and stay safe!
Miss Rees-Boughton
Don’t forget to use the class Padlet and post some funny things to your friends. Please remember to put your name in the comments and on your post as they all show up as ‘anonymous’. It is very secure as I have to approve all posts and comments that come through. PADLET NOW HAS A PASSWORD: rapshome You can post as many times as you like! Remember to comment on other people’s amazing work too.
Please send any photos/videos and questions to: j.barnes@ramsgateartsprimaryschool.co.uk
I hope you have an amazing Tuesday :) Remember if you need us, we are just a message away.