Home Learning, Monday 18th May

Please see below for Monday's home learning.
Good morning everyone. I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Please find your suggested learning for today.
PE: Check out Mrs Horrigan's new blog post and choose one of the activities for today.
Mental Maths: Maths goalie! I tried the fractions game and enjoyed it. Choose which are you would like to concentrate on today.
Maths: White Rose Maths, Summer Term, Week 3, Lesson 3 - Divide with remainders
Reading: TABITGB Chapters 31 & 32
1. What was the letter from the Concerned Parents Association about?
2. How did Claudia describe the Concerned Parents Association?
3. What encouragement did Mrs Wilcott give Bradley?
4. Why, do you think, is Carla called to the Principal’s office?
5. How do you think Bradley would change if Carla was not there anymore?
6. Do you think Bradley will remain friends with Jeff and the other boys? Give a reason for your answer.
English: How to use possessive apostrophes. Watch the video, do the activity, takes the quiz.
RE: IALT explore the themes of the Bible and recognise familiar stories
Firstly go through the Powerpoint I have attached. There are several sections that you need to stop, think and have a go at answering the questions. We are going to explore the 'chronology' of the Bible and some of the more famous stories that it contains.
I would then like you to look at Story Synopsis Blurb B (attached). I want you to cut out the cards or draw quick pictures and match the story synopsis to the correct title. If there are any you are unsure of you can use Bibles, books or the internet to help work out the correct answers.