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Tuesday 24th March 2020

Good morning Team Smart!

Welcome to day 2 of your home learning challenges! So today's tasks…

Start your Tuesday with Joe Wicks, the Body Coach to get your minds active!

Maths: You are going to be practising your addition. We will start today by adding 1 digit numbers. See how quickly you can do them! Then, if you can, complete the colouring by addition task! Go to the addition and subtraction folder on the website and you can pick a maths facts colouring page.

Am I right? ... 5 + 7 = 11 – I need your expertise!

In your work book can you solve these additions: a) 7 + 6 =   b) 6 + 5 =    c) 8 + 6 = d) 4 + 9 =     e) 6 + 2 =     f) 8 + 9 =      g) 9 + 7 =

Challenge: find the missing numbers:

a)       + 5 = 12

b) 8 +       = 17

c) 6 +       = 14

English and Read Write inc

Your daily Read Write inc tasks will be to practise a new sound by writing spellings containing the sound (remember to use your dots and dashes!) Then we will ask you to do a little bit of writing! Enjoy and keep up the good work! ;)

Mrs Smart’s group

Today I would like you to write a letter to a relative who you haven’t seen lately and you might not see for a while. Tell them how you are and what you have been doing. Ask them how they are and send them your wishes!

Miss Aitken’s group

Please explain: we already know ‘ow’ “blow the snow” which usually comes at the end of words. ‘oa’ “goat in a boat” is usually the sound in the middle of the word. Use this knowledge to decide which of the sounds spells a word. Gowt? Goat.

Focus sound: ‘oa’ “goat in a boat” Spellings 1) goat  2) boat  3) float

Practice writing red words: was, saw, my, the (please use them in a sentence)

Miss Tranham’s group

Focus sound: ‘igh’ “fly high” Spellings 1) right  2) fright  3) knight (this has the “knock knock knight” sound at the beginning)

Practice writing red words: was, saw, my, the (maybe use them in a sentence)

Mrs Fetherston’s group

Focus sound: ‘are’ “care and share” Spellings 1) care 2) share 3) spare

Practice writing red words: was, saw, my, the (please use them in a sentence)

Mrs Smith’s group

Please explain: double consonant e.g. letter, hammer, ladder…in the middle of some words that end in ‘er’. This sounds similar to yesterday’s sound ‘ur’ (nurse with a purse) but uses different letters. ‘ur’ is usually the middle sound of a word, use this knowledge to decide which of the sounds spells a word. E.g. Tern? Turn. Hammur? Hammer.

Focus sound: ‘er’ “better letter” Spellings 1) ladder,    2) her    3) better

Practice writing red words: was, saw, my, the (please use them in a sentence)

Topic: Our topic this term has been Materials Everywhere! Remember our investigation into natural and manmade materials? I would like you to have a go at making a natural sculpture out of natural materials (in your garden, in the park or on the beach if you go out). Have a look at the work by the well-known natural artist Andy Goldsworthy for inspiration – there is a good Powerpoint presentation on the website.

Fizzy: Practise your cutting skills! If you can, go to the Fizzy Folder on the home learning website and download the Spring Cut and Complete picture. Otherwise, adults, please draw zig zag, or wavy lines on a piece of paper so that your child can cut along. Or carefully cut out pictures from an old magazine and create a collage.