Friday 27th March 2020
Good morning Team Smart! Welcome to day 5!
You're doing great - have fun today!
Start your day with this fitness HITS workout! (And practise your counting at the same time!):
Brain workout – count in 10s to 100! Can you count back again too?!
You have a mixture of Maths challenges today – have a go at the Spring Activity Mats 1 and 4 (see below).
Choose your level of challenge (1 star is easy…3 stars is the most tricky!)
English and Read Write Inc
Mrs Smart’s group
Write a postcard to a friend telling them about what you have been doing while you have been off school!
Check out the powerpoint to show you how to set out a postcard. The example shows a holiday postcard but you can adapt it to write about your time off school. You can draw a picture on the front and write on the back – use the postcard template.
Miss Aitken’s group
Today’s sound is “ear” as in “hear with your ear”
This is a tricky sound because it has 3 special friends! Say the sound and the phrase and listen for the sound in the words.
Now practise these spellings with today’s focus sound “ear” - don't forget your dots and dashes!
1) spear 2) near 3) dear
Then practice writing these red words: they, said, one (please use them in sentences)
Miss Tranham’s group
Today’s sound is: ‘oo’ “poo at the zoo”
Say the sound and the phrase and listen for the sound in the words. Now practise these spellings - don't forget your dots and dashes!
1) room 2) hoop 3) shoot
Then practice writing these red words: they, said, one (please use them in sentences)
Mrs Fetherston’s group
Today’s focus sound is “ow” as in “brown cow”. Be careful – this sound looks exactly the same as “ow - blow the snow” so you need to be careful when you read this sound to get the right pronunciation! This sounds similar to the sound ‘ou’ (shout it out) so don’t mix them up! E.g. Broun? Brown. Croud? Crowd.
Say the sound and the phrase and listen for the sound in the words. Now practise these spellings with today’s focus sound “ow” - don't forget your dots and dashes!
1) crown 2) allow 3) flower
Then write these sentences in your workbook (from the book “Tom Thumb”):
1) He skipped with the insects and chatted with the frogs.
2) Get me out of this fish!
Mrs Smith’s group
Today’s focus sound is “oa” as in “goat in a boat”. Be careful – it sounds similar to the sound ‘ow’ (blow the snow) but you will never get “oa” at the end of the word (Folloa? No!) and it also sounds like “o-e” (phone home) so don’t mix them up! E.g. Bowt? Boat. Flote? Float.
Say the sound and the phrase and listen for the sound in the words. Now practise these spellings with today’s focus sound “oa” - don't forget your dots and dashes!
1) road 2) cloak 3) roast
Then write these sentences in your workbook (from the book “Hairy fairy”):
1) How can I be a good fairy when I am so hairy?
2) “Stop frightening the children,” she said.
Materials Everywhere! has been a very science based topic and you have learnt a lot about materials! In your workbook, tell me your favourite bit of this topic. Which bit of your learning on this topic have you enjoyed the most?