Monday 30th March 2020
Good Morning Team Smart!
Brain workout – count in 2's, 5's and 10's
Then, how many number bonds to 10 and 20 can you write down in 1 minute?
We are going to do some time learning today. Try to remember back to when we learnt the language; o'clock, hour, minute and half past. Have a go at the clock worksheets attached below or draw your own clocks carefully and write the time you have breakfast, TV time, exercise time, reading time, lunch, learning time, story time and bedtime underneath each clock that you draw.
Remember the short hand --> is the hour hand (o'clock), the l o n g hand ----> is the minute hand.
English and Read Write Inc
Mrs Smart’s group
Today you have the tale of The Gingerbread man to read. You might have your own copy at home, but I have attached a version with comprehension questions below. There are three different versions of the story. I would like you to choose the one that has 3 *** a the bottom of each page. It is the last version in the document. You may like to number your answers and write them on a separate sheet of paper or in a learning book so that you can write more or longer sentences.
Miss Aitken’s group
Today's sound is 'ure' (sure it's pure)
Say the sound and the phrase and listen for the sound in the words.
Spellings 1) pure 2) cure 3) manure
Write these sentences using the focus sound
1) The farmer puts manure on his crops.
2) The doctor shouts "I've found a cure!"
Miss Tranham’s group
Today’s sound is: ‘oo’ “look at a book”
Say the sound and the phrase and listen for the sound in the words. Now practise these spellings - don't forget your dots and dashes!
1) look 2) book 3) shook
Then write these sentences using your sound:
1) I look at a book in bed.
2) I will cook pasta from a cookbook.
Mrs Fetherston’s group
Today’s focus sound is “ai” as in “snail in the rain”. Be careful – this sound sounds like ay "may I play” but it is used in the middle of words unlike ay which usually comes at the end.
Say the sound and the phrase and listen for the sound in the words. Now practise these spellings with today’s focus sound “ai” - don't forget your dots and dashes!
1) snail 2) raining 3) painful
Then write these sentences:
1) Snails come out when it's raining.
2) Falling over can be painful!
Mrs Smith’s group
Today’s focus sound is “ew” as in “chew the stew”. Be careful – it sounds similar to the sound ‘oo’ (poo at the zoo).
Say the sound and the phrase and listen for the sound in the words. Now practise these spellings with today’s focus sound “ew” - don't forget your dots and dashes!
1) chew 2) stew 3) flew
Then write these sentences
1) One bird flew over the nest.
2) I made a stew, but I had to chew a lot.
This week we are going to travel back in time, not just to look at history but also to revisit out topic 'Playing Past and Present' to see what you remember and to answer any of those questions we set at the beginning of the topic.
Use real toys at home or pictures to date when this type of toy was first created e.g. teddy bears, dolls, lego. Research the toys on the Internet or ask older family members if they are inherited toys. I would love to see a photo or poster of what you find out. You could create a timeline of toys on paper or on a computer or line up the toys you research with labels stating the date and place they were invented in. Have fun Historians!