Tuesday 31.3.20

Hello, good morning, bonjour! Here are today's tasks.
Maths- You are going to design your own wartime victory garden. You will need to create a birds eye view plan of a garden you might have had during the war. On the sheet attached, it tells you what you need to have in it and how big they need to be. Your scale is 1cm on your ruler= 1m in real life.
English: SPAG- complete the SPAG mat attached.
Topic: You have 2 days to complete this so don't rush!
D-Day- Your task is to research information on D Day and present your research how you choose. It could be a poster, a PowerPoint, a recorded video with your giving the information, or as an information text. I have attached a PPT and an interactive poster that might be useful. Or you can use the following websites:
You could find out:
-What was D-Day and when was it?
-What was the name of the operation?
-Where did the Allies land in their boats? (Country and town)
-What were the successes? What were the failures?
-How many soldiers stormed the beaches? How many died?
-What were the names of the beaches where the soldiers landed?