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Friday 17th April 2020

Good morning Team Smart!

Have a wonderful day!

Jumpstart your Friday brain dancing to Gummy Bear

Brain workout – today count in 5s and 10s to 100! Can you count back again too?!

For our rapid skills recap complete the Flashback for Day 2 followed by today’s lesson on making equal groups using the grouping method:

Listen to the video and then you can have a go at the activity – see below attached.  

English and Read Write Inc

Mrs Smart’s group 

Today I would like you to recount your Easter!

A recount is an account of something you did in the right order. You need to use time connectives to show the order of events:         
FIRST, next, later, after, then, soon…FINALLY

So make sure you start your recount with the word First and end it with Finally (don't forget capital letters if your time words go at the beginning of the sentence). Remember you are recounting something that has already happened so you need to make sure you are writing in the past tense! That means your verbs will be in the past (was, were, went, got, saw, ran and -ed).
See how many different time words you can use in our writing. Have a look at the Powerpoint which explains it in detail and gives you an example. You could underline all the time words you have used! 

Miss Aitken’s group (set 2 and 3)

Let’s continue to practice using sounds that sound the same but are written differently.

"i-e” (nice smile), “igh” (fly high), “ie” (terrible tie)


  • “i-e” is a split up, chatty friend! This means another sound sits in between.
  • “igh” will come in the middle or at the end of a word.
  • “ie”  will come in the middle or at the end of a word (check if they look right).

Write these spellings. Don't forget your dots and dashes!

1) tile  2) knight   3) tried

Write these two sentences using words with the focus sounds for today:

1) The sunshine makes me smile.
2) I get tired at night time.  

Mrs Fetherston’s group (set 3)

Today’s focus sound is “u-e” as in “Huge brute”. Be careful – this sound sounds like ‘oo’ "poo at the zoo”. Remember “u-e” is a chatty friends sound. Another sound must sit in between.

Say the sound and the phrase and listen for the sound in the words. Now practise these spellings with today’s focus sound “u-e” - don't forget your dots and dashes!

1) flute  2) tune  3) huge (Note: the G makes a ‘j’ sound in this word!)

Then write these sentences:

1) I can play a good tune on the flute.
2) The gruffalo looks like a huge brute.

Mrs Smith’s group (set 3)

Today’s focus sound is “ure” as in “Sure, it’s pure!” Imagine the Wicked Witch handing Snow White a poison apple and pretending it is fresh and clean!

Say the sound and the phrase and listen for the sound in the words. Now practise these spellings with today’s focus sound “ure” - don't forget your dots and dashes!

1) cure  2) secure  3) picture (Be careful, the ‘t’ and the ‘ure’ together sound a bit like ‘ch’)

Then write these sentences 

1) You can drink the water, it’s pure.
2) Keep trying, you can figure it out.

Miss Tranham’s group (set 2)

Today’s focus sound is ‘air’ “that’s not fair”. This sound has 3 letters!!! Take a deep breath of air in to your lungs (this sound is also a word on it’s own!).

Say the sound and the phrase and listen for the sound in the words. Now practise these spellings with today’s focus sound “air” - don't forget your dots and dashes!

  1. fair   2)  hair   3) stair

Write these sentences:

  1. Brush your hair.
  2. I have a red pair of socks.


Today we are continuing our learning about Hinduism. As well as celebrating special events in life, Hindus have celebrations to worship gods or remember important stories. Today we are learning about the festival of Diwali (or Divali).

The festival of Diwali takes place every year and lasts for five days, marking the start of the Hindu New Year. The exact dates change each year and are determined by the position of the moon – but it usually falls between October and November.

Diwali celebrates the story of Rama and Sita and honours the goddess of prosperity Lakshmi.

At Diwali time Hindus celebrate by lighting up their homes with  fireworks and twinkling diya lights, making vibrant Rangoli patterns and eating delicious food! Look at the slide to find out more about Diwali. You can also watch this fun animation of the Ramayana:

Then have a go at colouring your own Rangoli patterns! Or if you are feeling more adventurous you could try making your own diya lights out of salt dough.


Finally, I’d like you to practise your handwriting today. We are going to write two tricky red words that sound similar and are spelt the same:



Take care to form each letter carefully and remember the rhymes – I have attached the letter chart to help you. 

some: slither down the snake, all around the orange, down Maisie, mountain, mountain, lift off the top and scoop out the egg.

Then repeat for come but start with c – curl around the caterpillar.

Have a fffantastic Friday!!