Daily Challenges: Thursday 30th April

What will be the challenges for today...
Hi Team Barnes,
What a wonderful Wednesday yesterday. The weather may have been rubbish but I was blown away by the amount of challenges sent in on the Padlet and by email. There was definitely a lot of posts yesterday! Go Team!
Counting: Can you count how many jumps you can do in 20 seconds?
Challenge: Can you sequence the events of your day into morning, afternoon, evening, night time.
What time do you....
Brush your teeth
Have a bath
Have your lunch
Get dressed
Go to bed
Watch tv
Go for a walk
Eat breakfast
Wake up
Have a story
Can you make a timeline for the different activities you do in a day. Can you draw the different events in your day? Can you label them?
Use the pictures from the attachment too if you would like. Cut and put them in order. You could also create one for life in lock down and a normal school day too.
Make sure you use the important language of morning, lunchtime, afternoon, evening, bedtimes, first, next, after that, and then, finally, at the end.
Miss Spurrier’s group- ou- Shout it out
Words for spelling: shout, out, pout.
Sentence: I can shout.
Miss Taft’s group- h- horse
Words for blending: his, hat, help.
Spelling: hat, hot, hip
Mrs Barnes’ group- o-e- phone home
Words for spelling: home, phone, tone. (special friends who have been split up for talking and someone else has been put in the middle e.g. phone o-e is the sound with the loop over to show who was talking and n is the letter that’s been put in the middle).
Sentence: Please can I phone home?
Miss Merry’s group- nk - I think I stink
Words for spelling: pink, stink, think
Sentence: I like the pink pig.
Please record in yellow book. -Two lines of handwriting of the sound with finger spaces, three spellings with the sound in and record the sentence with a capital letter and full stop. I have attached a photo of how you may want to lay the home learning out in your yellow book.
RWI LIVE daily lessons:
I am so glad you have been enjoying the live lessons with Rosie. Feel free to try a harder set too.
Set 1
speed sounds- 9:30am
word time (green words)- 9:45am
Spellings- 10am
Set 2
Speed sounds and word time- 10am
Spellings- 10:15am
Set 3
Speed sounds and word time- 10:30am
Spelling- 10:45am
Story time with Nick (Mon, Wed, Fri)- 2pm
Please see the 'learning at home file' for the handwriting patters, sounds and phrases, red words and alien words.
Please record in yellow book. -Two lines of handwriting of the sound with finger spaces, three spellings with the sound in and record the sentence with a capital letter and full stop. I have attached a photo of how you may want to lay the home learning out in your yellow book.
Theme: Growth
Main: Lifecycle of butterfly
Challenge: Read The Hungry Caterpillar if you have the book or use the link attached (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75NQK-Sm1YY). Talk about the story and how the caterpillar changes. Use the lifecycle of a butterfly ppt attached to further explore the lifecycle. In the home learning folder there is a cut and stick butterfly lifecycle activity or you could be creative and draw the different stages yourself :)
Challenge: Can you sequence the events of the story? Use the attached story picture cards or draw your own. Can you use the key words from maths? morning, lunchtime, afternoon, evening, bedtimes, first, next, after that, and then, finally, at the end and the days of the week.
Links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVm5k99PnBk (National geographic: The life of a butterfly)
Thrive Activities from Mrs Hughes:
Mrs Hughes has been given some Thrive activities from 'Thanet Inclusion Service'. They are a week of creative activities that you can use with your child to support their emotional development at home. Play releases lots of feel good chemicals that help us feel calm, steady and connected. If possible, look to do these activities for as much as 20 minutes or more each day.
Please see attachment at the bottom for activities.
With the increase of Internet usage going up whilst we all stay at home, we have attached a useful powerpoint about how to stay safe on the Internet. We have covered this in school before so it is nothing new for the children but please go through the safety steps together as a family. Remember:
- Always ask a grownup before going on the Internet.
-Get a grownup to help you to get where you need to safely.
-Always check with a grownup if you want to try something new.
-Remember anyone can put things on the Internet and some things are not suitable for children.
-Sometimes things can pop up and you don't know what they are. Get a grown up and then close them.
-Never click on things that shouldn't be there.
-The Internet has people who are kind or unkind. Never talk to people you don't know. If someone tries to talk to you then tell a grown up immediately.
Don’t forget to use the class Padlet and post some funny things to your friends. Please remember to put your name in the comments and on your post as they all show up as ‘anonymous’. It is very secure as I have to approve all posts and comments that come through. PADLET NOW HAS A PASSWORD: rapshome You can post as many times as you like! Remember to comment on other people’s amazing work too.
Please send any photos/videos and questions to: j.barnes@ramsgateartsprimaryschool.co.uk
Have a lovely day of learning Team Barnes. Missing you all lots and you are all so special to us:)