Martyn Harvey Poetry Competition
Day 1: The Millipede
Hi everyone,
This week, Mr McAuley (from Chilton Primary School) will be launching a new and exciting Viking Academy Trust writing competition! On this occasion though, we are extra fortunate because we have a professional author on board whose writing yours will be based ... Martyn Harvey, the author of The Boy with The Sauce Pan Hat, has very kindly given us special access to his poems, before they are released to the general public!
Every day this week, there will be a new poem on your blog to watch, where he or another member of the Trust will talk about the poem and its' inspiration.
Finally, on Friday, when you have watched all his poems, he will announce this term’s writing competition and a poster will appear on your blog explaining exactly what you will need to do.
I hope you enjoy the poems, and keep an eye out for the launch on Friday when you will find out exactly what you will need to do.
I look forward to receiving lots of your poetic entries in the coming weeks.
Here is video 1:
Best wishes and stay safe!
Miss Rees-Boughton x