09/07/2020: Home Learning
Good morning, Team Amin
Learning for today:
PE: Have a go at one of the Viking Isolation Games challenges!
M: Start with a 10 minute practice of your number bonds on Hit the Button! How many can you get right in the time given?
Mystery challenge day! Please find the challenge attached with all of the clues! Hopefully, it is fun, gets you thinking and you find the culprit!
E: Listen to the next chapters of Varjak Paw if you haven’t caught up already. I have added to the Powerpoint.
TASK: Write in best day! If we were writing a story at school which we worked really hard on and put lots of thought and effort into, we would almost certainly always be writing it in best for publication into the book corner/Wonderful Writing Wall! Though we aren’t together, we are still going to continue the tradition and celebration so:
You may choose to type your story out.
You may choose to hand write the entire story in your neatest cursive.
You may choose to handwrite your favourite section of the story in your neatest cursive.
You may like to illustrate your story by hand.
Have a think, decide and then get going! You may like to not use your workbook for this and to instead use loose plain/lined paper (or tear out from your workbook). Use pencil or pen, I don’t mind, and if you don’t finish, don’t worry because tomorrow’s English time will be dedicated to finishing writing in best and to creating your story’s front cover! Have fun!
RWInc: Please find the relevant spellings and story text attached below for A Hole in my Tooth with today’s learning task.
Topic: Hopefully, yesterday you were able to decide how you would make your chocolate bars and, if you had time, even made them! Today, we are going to think about advertising! Work your way through the Powerpoint, watching the various adverts, and then have a go at designing your own! Have fun, be creative - you might even like to video your advert too!
Extra activities:
Help out at home: How can you help your adult today? Do you need to clean your room? Could you do the washing up? Maybe today you need to just hug your adult?
Happy learning! Don’t forget to send me emails/pictures! Missing you all as always!
Miss Amin x