16/07/2020: Home Learning
Good morning, Team Amin!
It’s Thursday! We are almost at the end of our final week of home learning and I am trying to pack in some learning, but also trying to make it not too hard! You have all got so much to be proud of over these past few weeks as I know you have all worked hard and done your best! Enjoy today, hopefully the weather will be better for us and we can spend the whole day outside!
Learning for today:
PE: Find a safe space (Garden? Living room?) and do 12 jumping jacks, 13 star jumps and 14 bunny hops!
M: Start with a speedy recap of your 5x and 10x on Rockstars, Hit the Button, chanting etc. You might like to play Bingo!
Mystery Maths challenge again today – this time it is the Back to School challenge (anyone else looking forward to September?) and trust me, I wouldn’t want to lose my coat or PE bag either! It would be a shame to pass off one last chance for 'fun' Maths and I am sure you will spot the culprit quickly! If you have free adults/siblings at home, why not work with them or indeed, against them and see who finishes the challenge clues first? Good luck!
E: Listen to the final chapters of Varjak Paw if you haven’t caught up already. I have finished recording the story and you’ll need to have finished the story to do a …. BOOK REVIEW
I am leaving a selection of templates for your book review attached which I would encourage you to look at, but you may choose to set it out in your own way inside your workbook/a piece of paper. Definitely do your book review in your own way if you want to! Things to consider:
- What was the book called and who wrote it?
- Would you recommend the book to anyone and, if so, who?
- What was the story all about?
- Who were the main characters? Who was your favourite character and why?
- Did you enjoy the story’s plot? Why?
- How many stars out of five would you rate it?
RWInc: I have reattached Mrs Fox's fun little challenges! I am going to try out number 7 today!
Transition task: My A to Z of the Year – I am still working on mine as I am struggling with a few of the letters so I thought it might be good fun for all of you to try! Maybe you’ll come up with things for the letters I haven’t written anything about yet! Aim of the challenge: write about one thing that happened in Year 4/2019-2020 school year using each letter as the start of the first word. For example: A for All of Miss Amin’s pens went missing (were lost) and she had to borrow (take) Mrs Fox’s, B for Butterflies went up on a display board in the top corridor, C for ……. I’ll leave that one as I think we will all put the same thing down!
Extra activities:
Spelling: Practise this week’s new spelling in time to test yourself tomorrow!
Have a fabulous day. Happy learning! Don’t forget to send me emails/pictures! Stay safe and keep smiling.
Miss Amin xxx