A little reminder...

As you are aware we are slowly getting to the end of Term 6! This is the last week in Year 1 together. Next week, the children will spend the final 3 days in their new classes, Team Holloway or Team Okai.
We will be having lots of fun times together this week. We have a reward day on Wednesday 14th July, come in to school at normal time wearing clothes that will be suitable for a water fight (bring a watergun if you like). Bring a spare pair of clothes, underwear, a towel and shoes, so you'll be ready for our Year 1 party in the afternoon.
If you would like to bring in some pre-packaged food for our party that would be great! Please bring this into school as soon as you can :)
Final day in Year 1 is Friday 16th July and the final day of school for the summer is Wednesday 21st July at 2pm.