Goodbye and Good Luck!

For the AMAZING children of year 6, your time at RAPS has come to an end, but I hope you see it as just the beginning of the next great adventure...
As I sit here at home typing this, I feel quite emotional to think that never again will I have all of these guys sitting together in a classroom. Despite the trials and tribulations of Covid and Remote learning it has been a remarkably enjoyable and rewarding year - because it has been spent with THEM.
The children have overcome every barrier put in their way and have make all of us so proud of them. Without doubt, they put on the BEST ever end of year production and worked together to produce a huge profit in Business Enterprise week. Everything they have been asked to do, they have done so with smiles (mostly) and determination. Even on their last day, Mr Budge commented on how well they supported KS1 in the running of their sports day this morning - showing kindness, encouragement and role modelling events and good behaviour.
Parents too, your support throughout remote learning and in everyday school learning has been first class. We could not have had such academic success and enjoyable activities towards the end without your cooperation.
As I said in the Leavers' ceremony, I feel truly privileged to have been able to teach most of the children in their first and last years at RAPS and their development, as learners and as characters, has been staggering. They are all amazing and I am going to miss them so much.
Have a wonderful summer break, and I wish each of you all the best as you embark on your step into secondary. Please do pop back to say hello to us and share with us the successes I am sure you will be achieving at your new schools.