Take One Picture

We are inspired by The Shipwreck by Claude-Joseph Vernet, 1772
Take One Picture is the national programme for primary schools by the National Gallery in London which aims to inspire a lifelong love of art and learning.
Every year, the gallery selects one picture from its collection to inspire cross-curricular work in primary classrooms. This year's painting depicts a stormy windswept shipwreck and it is by French artist Claude-Joseph Vernet from 1772. We have responded to the importance of the sea in the painting. Which led us to contemplate the sea, its infinity and the creatures that live within it. From here we made links to the Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama and today we got to work creating an installation of sea urchins that pay homage to Kusama's famous polka dot artworks. Her themes of infinity and use of organic forms seemed to link nicely to our response. You can see an attachment of Vernet's painting below.