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Term 2 Art Competition

Andy Goldsworthy – Autumn Leaves

Dear Artists,

I hope you were inspired by the assembly on Andy Goldsworthy this week. The competition this term will be to create a piece of art in the style of this awesome environmental artist using ANY medium of your choice. You could use natural materials like pebbles, twigs, conkers, leaves or petals. Remember if you are creating an environmental piece of art, it is a good idea to take a photograph and submit that as your entry.  Alternatively you might decide to create a repeating pattern using natural leaf shapes and autumn colours or other shapes found in nature..

Your art piece can be ANY size but make sure they are CLEARLY labelled with your name & class.

All entries need to be given to me by Wednesday 13th December 2017. Winners will be announced at the beginning of term 3

There will be a certificate for all entries and special prizes for the winners.

Many thanks for all your superb entries for the Van Gogh competition. We are very lucky to have a school full of such talented young artists!

As always, I look forward to being wowed by your wonderful creations…….