Welcome to Year 5
The year 5 time cannot wait to welcome back our new Year 5s! Click for key information for the term ahead.
We hope you've had a wonderful summer and can't wait to hear about everything you have done. As always, week one will be a personal development week, where we will celebrate and learn about our new school values. We have lots of exciting things to look forward to this term. In Topic we shall be learning about trade and the wider world and next week we even have a train safety trip.
The Arts curriculum this term for Team Pressley is as follows:
Monday: PE (outdoors) + Drama
Tuesday: Art + Art
Wednesday: Music + DT
Thursday: Dance + Musical Theatre.
Also, this year, once a week, I will be teaching Team Pressley PE. This will be on a Thursday in the morning, so as ever on days the children have PE or dance, they may wear their PE kit and appropriate footwear.