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The Speaker - L2L!

The home learning tasks are a bit different this week, as is the deadline...

The spelling words this week are from the latest unit we have explored in class - the 'ee' sound spelt 'ie' or 'ei'. These words will be tested on Friday and an electronic copy is attached below in case the paper copy has been lost!

In class on Monday, we spent two hours looking at 'The Speaker' competition. It was introduced a while ago by Mr Holliday in assembly and, on Monday, we spent time exploring what makes a good speech, Furthermore, we brainstormed ideas for new subjects that could be taught in school and had time to begin writing our speeches.

These are DUE in on TUESDAY 11th March, where everyone will deliver their speech in class. They do not have to enter the competition proper; however to help develop oracy skills, all pupils will read their speech out.